Friday, November 11, 2011

Their First Taste Of Snow!

Literally it was their first taste of snow! When I woke up this morning and seen the street was covered in a blanket of fresh snow I knew Ronyn and Scarlett would be excited. So much excited that they wanted to go play at 7:00 a.m. Instead we headed out 1/2 hour before the bus came to play in the first snowfall of the year. We had a snowball fight, made snow angels, they ate some snow (well a lot of snow) and also made our first snowman. Just before I took the snowman picture the wind picked up and a mini snow storm came through. It was so intense that Ronyn had a hard time looking at the camera. I have to say I am excited about snow this year. I am going to embrace it and enjoy it! Weather we like snow or not it is coming and we can not stop it....

1 comment:

  1. OMG, seriously?!! Don't you guys just live in Justin Bieberville? We have nothing!
