Sunday, October 14, 2012

Bogs vs Trams

Okay back to blogging...

I got the kids winter boots in the mail about 2 weeks ago and I am so happy I decided to get really good boots this year. Boots are always a battle in this house and I think I have solved that pesky problem. I thought I was ordering Bogs for both kids but ended up with a pair of Trams for Scarlett. I was really worried as I have never heard of Trams. I did a little research and Bogs were born in the States (made in China) and Trams were born in Canada (made in China). The descriptions of the boots were exactly the same and claimed to keep your feet warm and dry. So I thought I would give them a chance and do a little comparison and find out what ones I like best for next year's boot purchase.

On their arrival I gave them a once over and were impressed with both boots. Bogs fit tighter on the legs where as Trams give you a little more room. Which is perfect for Scarlett as she hates the feeling of her pants all scrunched up in her boots, Ronyn could care less ;) They both seem to be put together well and the boot handles are a nice feature. I do however find that Trams fit big and Bogs fit small. Which is not a problem for us as I get boots one size bigger to compensate for thicker socks. I did feel the need to order Scarlett an extra insole for her boots as I thought they were a tad too big. I contacted Trams through facebook and got an immediate reply with a free pair of insoles that are being sent to me! I tried contacting Bogs through their online site to ask about a promotional code (who really wants to pay full price) and still after  3 weeks have had no reply. I give Trams an A+ for customer service and Bogs an F. We been out to the family farm a few times and these boots have been awesome for this rainy, muddy weather. I have had no complaints of cold or wet feet. I think the real test will be the winter, but I guess I have to wait and see if we get any snow...Right now I would recommend any of these brands of boots. I might lean more towards the Trams as they are Canadian born and they have great customer service ;)

p.s. The chocolate syrup I made in my previous post worked like a charm! I really do wish I would have found out about this little secret of chocolate a lot sooner in life...So happy I won't be buying that little bunny bottle ever again!

1 comment:

  1. Good to know! I need to get some new boots for Zoe. I'm hoping Winners can help me out.
