Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Coffee Just Taste Better...
Saturday, January 29, 2011
All We Needed Was A Breath Of Fresh Air...

Today has been one of those days where we drove each other nuts. To cure this we all went outside. We had such a great time. After about an hour of climbing the highest snow mountains, making snow tunnels and lying in the snow staring up at the blue sky we were ready to come inside. All we needed was a breath of fresh air.
I took these photos of Scarlett while I was outside barbecuing and she was staring at me through the back door. She also helped clean up my old doll house that my grandad made for me when I was little. It still needs to be fixed up more but it is playable now. I cant believe my grandad handmade all the furniture. Scarlett just loves it!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Locket Found=Happy Happy Scarlett

Scarlett lost one of her lockets this evening and it made her the saddest little girl. It was a heartbroken cry that I have never experienced with her before. It brought me to tears. I didn't know what I was going to tell her if I couldn't find it for her. We looked everywhere for it...and when I was sitting on the floor consoling her I looked down on the ground and it was right there! It was the strangest thing. Her tears changed to BIG smiles! I never knew these lockets were that important to her. My dad gave them to her and I am pretty sure they were my grandmas who has passed away. I am going to have to get her a special box or little bag for them so she does not misplace them again.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
A First For Scarlett

Scarlett wrote her name for the first time today! I am so proud of her! She wanted me to do it but then insisted she could. I would write the letter on another piece of paper and she would copy it. Oh and that is a bucket of sand with a shovel beside it. We are really missing summer around here. I aways get the winter blues this time of year so we have been making spring and summer pictures to hang around the house to help me get through the rest of this cold weather.
There's No Place...

Like the laundry basket!
I started my blog last night, picked out my photo, did some editing then signed into my blog. I always look at the other blogs I follow first and last night I really got into them one of the blogs lead me to another blog which had me crying and I totally forgot to do my blog! I do stuff like this...That is just me! Here is my post from last night!
Monday, January 24, 2011
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Don't Smile...
Friday, January 21, 2011
Coloring Themselves...

We started our day today by dragging out the BIG paper roll and tracing our bodies! I love doing this from time to time to see what they turn themselves into!
My sister gave me this link on facebook and thought you might want to look. This guy is super talented in picture taking and his girls are his inspiration. His pics are really good and his girls are too cute! If you like taking pics of your kids you should really check out his blog.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Sock Pants & Sorting

Wednesday, January 19, 2011
The Scarey Stuffie
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Can You Find The Letter....

Monday, January 17, 2011
Window Water
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Big Blue Ball

I picked up this exercise ball today at Giant Tiger as I need to expand my work out with my trainer Bob! You know Bob right? From the Biggest Loser. He meets me almost everyday in my den to make sure he gives my body an extra good work out! Boy do I ache. Traivs and I have been working out to this Kinect game for a few days now and we are both sore! We cant wait for the day to come where it is just the new normal feeling and we both stop complaining about it! I find it challenging to work out at home but I have no time to go to a gym right now and this just seems like the next best thing. I do know one thing if I never use this big blue ball I know the kids will!
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Arrr Matey

Friday, January 14, 2011
We Played Them All...

Thursday, January 13, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Mommys Little Helper

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011
Look What I Can Do!
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Cherry Pie

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Friday, January 7, 2011
Cozy Feet

It looked nice outside today but no one wanted to go out to play. I really wanted to get some fresh air but the kids just would not go! No matter what bribery I used they just wanted to stay inside. So we had another day of hanging out playing playmobil and watching Wall-E. We painted, and also played a little Wii. The kids were quit content but I thought it was a rather boring day. I hope tomorrow I can at least get Scarlett to take off her slippers and put on her boots!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
The Little Sitter

Usually after dinner the kids like to play the Wii and the lap top. Tonight Ronyn played a transformer kid quiz to see what transformer you are most like. One of the questions was if you had to babysit your little sister what would you do with her? A)lock her in her room and yell at her until she is quiet B) Watch TV and play games with her all night C) I cant remember it as I was too shocked with A! Well Scarlett was right beside Ronyn when he was answering this question and she was so happy when Ronyn picked B that she gave him a big hug and kiss. I was then told that I had to leave the house as Ronyn was going to babysit and I needed to not be around as that is what moms do when their kids get babysat. So I told Ronyn he could babysit while I went and changed the laundry. After the 2mins it took me to change the laundry over I proceed to go upstairs where I was met by Ronyn who was going to pay ME for letting him babysit...I told him he had it backwards and I was to pay him. Well he was so excited to receive 25 cents to put in his piggy bank and was asking when he could do it again! I think maybe it is time to start with allowance and chores.
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

He is an amazing little boy who loves Lego, Superhero's, Myth Busters and How's It Made. He is creative, funny and has a very soft heart! He is getting freckles on his nose and has a chipped front tooth that someday will be gone. We have the exact same chin and share the same blue eyes. He has this giggle that makes me smile every time I hear it. I am so blessed to have this little boy I call Ronyn in my life!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Beach Glass
Monday, January 3, 2011
Peanut Big Top

I also just purchased her a little table and chair set for her from Kijiji. I love buying used things as it saves it from going to the landfill and it saves money. With a little bit of soap and hard scrubbing you have a new to you treasure. I thought the table set would be good for tea party's, playmobil and for her to entertain her guests. So far it's only been used to get things from the top of her dresser. Now I don't know why I didn't think of that!
Don't you think that Lovable Labels would look great on Scarlett's storage system? It would teach her to stay organized and that it is a lesson that would stick with her!http://www.lovablelabels.ca/
Check Them Out!
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Saturday, January 1, 2011
A Quiet Start To A New Year
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