Sunday, September 30, 2012

Beautiful Day

What A Beautiful Day...
I was cleaning up dinner tonight and just loved the way the sun light was hitting everything as it was setting, so I grabbed my camera (Rebel) and headed outside...I took a few pics and then edited them in picmonkey. I see that they have some really cool Halloween edits that I might have to play around with with the kids. I would love to learn a more high tech photo editing software but for now this works great for me!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Its Got To Be Easier...

 She will only wear her brothers socks to school

 A little umbrella fun before the bus comes

The kids and I on the bumble bee ride at the fair

With lots of "What are you doing up there?", "Come On..." (husband likes to play this online war game and I like to upload stuff and the two don't really get along) I figured out a way to post my smartphone pics...But it has to be a lot easier! I have to do a bunch of emailing and then uploading and then copy and pasting and more uploading etc, etc, etc. I know by my husbands annoyance he will find me an easier way!

Coming and Going.....Obsessed!

I will not make a comment about how many times I have said I am going to blog and how I need to blog more often as if you read my below post I know, you know, everyone knows that I leave and come back, leave and come back...

Obsessed...that's right! I have been obsessed lately with organizing my cupboards, pinning things to pinterest (way to many things!), making a change from plastic ware to glassware, mason jars (oh I love love love mason jars) and taking photos with my phone and editing them with apps, cooking, baking and making my own homemade cleaning supplies. I am proud to say that I have not bought a cleaning product (ex. glass cleaner, bathroom/kitchen cleaner, furniture polish etc..) in the past 7 months (I think it could be longer...) I rely on my Norwex and vinegar based products.

Instant gratification...I love my smartphone. I have a Samsung Galaxy blah blah blah (I'll have to confirm with my husband) and I love it. It has apps that I just love. For example Out Milk (my grocery app), P Tracker (every girl needs a period tracker), Facebook, Play Books (downloaded the Fifty Shades books and can read them where ever/whenever), Games (to keep the little ones occupied in desperate times...) and my all time favorite Pixlr-o-matic (to edit my camera pictures). Don't get me wrong I love my Rebel still but I love the instant gratification I get when I can take a cute picture, edit it and post it to my facebook page for all my friends and family to see in less than 3 mins! I still pick up my Rebel from time to time but I find editing on my computer to be really slow lately. I am trying to figure out how to post from my phone to my blog. I figured out how to change my blog from "It's okay" to "That's WAY better" so I should be able to start sharing my nifty Smart Phone photo's hopefully soon!

That's my rambles for today....I've been waiting to get an e-mail from blogger to post some Smartphone pics, it says it's super easy and takes 30 seconds, I guess not for me...Pics to be posted soon!

Guess it looks like I'm going to have to do some MAJOR account setting configurations in order to post some smart phone pics or this is a sign to pick up the Rebel and some new photo editing software...Time to get the hubby ;)