Tuesday, February 14, 2012

My Sweet Sweet Valentines...

Happy Valentines Day...
We had such a wonderful day today! While the kids were at school handing out valentines I was busy at home preparing for our own special valentines celebration. Since we were young loves Travis and I have this tradition of getting Chinese take out and staying in. This has been going on for about 14 years or so. I love it now as I can take celebrating this special little day to the next level. I made the kids super cute valentines to hand out to friends. I surprised them with some cupcakes and chocolate and a little something extra to say I love you and how proud they make me. We had a delicious Chinese dinner and ended the night with a movie. With all the hugs, kisses and I loves you tonight, I couldn't have asked for a better day!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

We made marshmallow pops for snack today

A little DSI play before school

Scarlett had a tea party for daddy, mommy and her. Not Ronyn cause she never liked him that day!

YES we are a rock band family. We get so into we just have to dress up! I must say the video is way better than the photo :)

I know I have not posted in awhile but lately I have enjoyed looking at other people's blogs and not keeping up with my own. We also have been a very sick family. We have had lots of missed school days, but lots of cuddly p.j. days! I am happy to say we are on the mend (I hope I don't jinx us by writing that)! We have also had an incident with chocking and a little girl who was afraid to eat for about a week and half...So stressful! I am also happy to say that she is back to eating but I am unhappy to say that she will probably never eat broccoli again :( The pictures posted are just some random ones. Things that we have been doing to keep our selves busy as this really weird winter passes us by. I must say today was a beautiful day! I took Scarlett for a bike ride to see if we could spot the Biebs but it turned out that it was just his daddy in our small town. Oh well maybe next time!