Friday, January 6, 2012


There has been a lot of talk in this house about bums, farts, girls, video games and hockey. It is a total boys house these past two days! I had my nephew Maven for the night (he is the one in the picture with the rice crispy on his tongue) and it has thrown the balance of this house way off. It has been a blast though as Ronyn has had someone to do boy stuff with. The best was sledding. My sweet little Scarlett who helps balance us out has been at her Nana's for two days watching movies and baking cookies. I am glad that she is there as sometimes when the boys get together she becomes the target for them to pick on. I hope when she comes home that she doesn't mind that I got rid of her cluttered room and reorganized a few things. This little girl hates change but her room was getting out of control with the Christmas mess and it was driving me crazy!

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