Monday, October 19, 2015

Homemade with Love, Laughter and Pins

Today was like old times...Scarlett was not feeling to well this morning so we all stayed home and invited Nana out for a visit...Just like old times. Since Nana knew Scarlett wanted to be a mummy for Halloween she brought her fabric, thread and needles and helped make her costume. I am absolutely in love with how it turned out. Scarlett is pretty happy too! Today was a good day of Mine Craft, Chit Chat, Hanging out with my kids and just being home. It's funny how much I miss my home since I started working. If we leave to catch the bus and I have to run back inside for just a moment I feel that quiet, calmness of when it was just me and my home and I want to stay, sit and enjoy but I can't. I have to get the kids on the bus and get to work....Crazy to think it's already been a year and half of 
being a full time working mom!

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