Sunday, February 27, 2011

Saturday, February 26, 2011
Busy Hands
Friday, February 25, 2011
Bea & Us
~BFF'S For Life~
Today Scarlett and I played Playmobil all afternoon. It is still spread out all over the floor as I promised her I would not clean it up so we can play tomorrow. She had to tell me 3 times not to clean it up as she knew it was going to be hard for me. I realised right before we went to watch Magamind (great movie by the way) that I hadn't taken any photos today. I started to take some of us using the extended arm method but then Travis came and took some for me (he gets credit for the photo today). Scarlett would not take Bea (her lovie) out of her mouth so I decided give Bea a little bite too!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Gahh I Just Need One Picture...
but we cant look beautiful all the time~
I was trying to take a passport like photo for Travis and the kids took it as an opportunity to be little pests. They were like little bears attracted to the honey pot. Climbing all over him, giggling and ruining the serious photo we had to take. Being behind the lens it was just too funny. Every time I went to take the picture a little head or arm would just pop in the frame.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Somebody Has Bieber Fever...

Scarlett came to me the other day with the newspaper which had a picture of Justin Bieber on the front and this is how our conversation went...
Scarlett - "Mommy Ronyn said that Justin Beaver is YUCK'
Me - "Well do you think Justin Bieber is Yuck?"
Scarlett - "No I think Justin Beaver is not Yuck and CUTE!"
Then today look who I catch her kissing on the TV! I think somone has her first little "crush"
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Lunch Time

Monday, February 21, 2011
Family Day
For family day we headed into town to see Gnomeo & Juliet. It was such a cute little movie and the kids seemed to really enjoy it! This was the first movie we went to see as a family. We have been to the movies before just not all together! My dad joined us as well which was really nice. I wanted to get a family picture but by the time I snapped this photo of Ronyn doing a fighting pose the movie came on. We then went to Nana Browns for dinner where the kids were well behaved just HYPER! On the way home tonight I stopped at the mailbox and my Gap order arrived! I love getting packages!
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Great Great Day!

We headed to London today to visit with my sister and her family! The Men watched the race and while Neely had her nap Sara, Scarlett and I went to the mall. I got the kids each a pair of runners for 50% off! I love getting good quality stuff for a great price. I also got Scarlett a cute little outfit for $12.00 from Gymboree for back to school. I cant believe how much stuff I have already got Scarlett for school and it seems so far away! We then went back to Sara's for dinner and the kids just hung out and were so well behaved. I am so proud of them all for playing so nicely and letting us have a really nice visit! We had to drive home in a snow storm but we made it safely. I can't wait to see them all again soon!
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Play Me Some Paisley

Travis pulled out his guitar today fixed the strings and gave it a little tune up. He is now trying to re-teach himself to play with an online site. I am actually really excited he is doing this. He use to play for me in high school but that was 15 years ago! The only downfall is that it is annoying listening to him practice. I wish he could just instantly be awesome and then he could swoon me with a little Brad Paisley!
Friday, February 18, 2011
More Puddles...

Today has been such a nice day! Ronyn is at school and Scarlett and I have been just hanging out. We went for a little walk as she wanted to jump in the puddles again. We even got her room cleaned and organized as much as she would let me. She is very particular with her things (just like her daddy) and hates to get rid of stuff. But I am happy with what I was able to do. We are going to my moms for dinner tonight so the house is going to stay clean and I don't have to cook. I love when I have a night off of making dinner! I almost have the laundry done and the house smells of banana bread that Scarlett kindly made for the family this morning. It also feels like this day is lasting forever.....I just love days like today!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Looking For Puddles
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
No Pictures Please!
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Story Time

Monday, February 14, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Just Because I Love Them

We decided to celebrate Valentines Day today. Last night before I went to bed I wrapped our little presents and decorated my table. Ronyn got a Wii game and Scarlett got this adorable hopscotch rug that came with little bean bags. I made my lovely family homemade lasagna, caesar salad and apple crisp for our candle lit dinner. It was a nice day filled with lots of I love you's, hugs & kisses!
***Happy Valentines Day***
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Valentine Cookies

See Love-Hate!
Friday, February 11, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011
Another First For Scarlett

Scarlett and I went to the library tonight and she got herself her OWN library card. The ladies at the library were so nice and made such a big deal out of it and I could tell that Scarlett was so proud and very excited to use her new card! She also wrote her name on it all by herself! Another proud mommy moment for me. I can't believe how much older she seems lately. She is changing so quickly into little big girl, if you know what I mean.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Don't Forget!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Tu-Tu Pretty

Nana Brown came for a sleepover this week and made Ronyn and Scarlett some sock puppets! They turned out so cute and they are just in love with them. So I would like to introduce you to Dragon(something) I can't think of Ronyn's dragon name off the top of my head, Sheepy the sheep and Tu-Tu Pretty the kitty. Tu-Tu Pretty is my favourite. Scarlett had Nana put a tu-tu on her and she also made her necklace. Scarlett even came up with her name herself. Tu-Tu CUTE!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Drives Me Nuts!

When Ronyn chews on his coat it drives me nuts! He has chewed on it so much that their is now a small hole. He did this with his winter coat last year as well. It is a nasty little habit that I wish would disappear. I have tried everything to make him stop but nothing seems to be working. It makes his coat stinky and yucky and that doesn't even stop him from chewing on it....Sometimes boys can be so gross!
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Her Many Faces
Friday, February 4, 2011
So Glad The Sun Has Set
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Pizza Roll Ups

Today we made some bake ahead pizza roll ups. I found the recipe in my Today's Parent Magazine and thought that they would be good for Ronyn's school lunches as they say they freeze well. I will have to wait and see if it comes back home in his lunch bag or not to know if they are a success. We tried some for lunch and they were super yummy!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
We're Going On A Bear Hunt

and were going to catch a BIG one! Do you remember this? I remember it as a story we did in brownies but we never had a book and we did hand actions. I never knew it was actually came in story book form until I seen it in the last scholastic book order. Travis has really improved on his story telling skills. I love listening when he reads the kids a story. I listen for the change of expression in his voice and look for how involved the kids get into the story. At the part when they were about to spot the bear Travis did a big growl and both kids jumped. He felt so bad that he scared them. I thought it was great!
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